Mount Carmel, Real Women

Mount Carmel, Real Women, CD $16/LP $20 –

Man, it’s been a while, huh? Like, since the last Mount Carmel record, maybe? I can’t remember, I just listen to podcasts now, like the Best Show on WFMU, which last week called this sophomore effort a high point of 2012. Really? You’re not listening to either Mount Carmel or the Best Show? What a horrible aural prison you’ve created. Anyway, this still sounds like Free meeting Hendrix-Sabbath-Zepplin right on the cusp of blues rock turning into metal. Everything’s tighter; no jams over five minutes, no song called _______ jam. Just buy this and listen to it every day already. On Siltbreeze who’ve been putting out hits for 4 decades now. I dunno, I got PJ to buy this w/in like 10 seconds of Beta Banding it. It’s good.

Reviewed by Evan Van Reekum